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Schedule for the Weekend

Friday, April 11

  5:00p - Arrive (set up beds & fellowship)

  5:30p - Games

  6:30p - Dinner

  7:00p - Secret Church Livestream

Saturday, April 12

  8:30a - Breakfast

  9:00a - Leave

What will Our focus be?

We’re all hard-wired to want to make our lives count. None of us wants to get to the end of life, look back, and realize, “I missed the point.” So how do we make our lives count? This step-by-step journey through the life of Jesus in the book of Matthew will reveal a clear answer to that question. And for all who are bold enough to follow his lead, by God’s grace we are guaranteed to get to the end of our time in this world and realize, “My life counted for what matters most.”

How much will the Retreat Cost?


This price is all-inclusive! All activities, facilities, programming, food, music, and retreat booklet are included in the price. 

WHat Should i Bring?


- Sleeping bag & pillow

- Towels and washcloths
- Toiletries
- Bible, pen, and notebook

- Jacket/coat/sweatshirt