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Ward Haven Retreat Center

Schedule for the Weekend

Friday, January 17

  5:00p - Load bus and Travel to Ward Haven

  5:30p - Check-In

  6:00p - Dinner

  6:30p - Main Session #1

  8:30p – Bonfire/Evening Activities

10:30p - In Room

11:00p - Lights Out


Saturday, January 18

  8:30a - Breakfast

  9:15a - Main Session #2

10:30a - Games/Team-Building

12:00p - Lunch

  1:30p - Main Session #3

  3:00p - HS Free Time/Middle School Pick Up Time

  6:00p - Dinner

  7:00p - Main Session #4 w/Q&A

  9:00p - Bonfire/Late Night Activity

11:00p - In Room

11:30p - Lights Out

Sunday, January 19

  8:30a - Breakfast

  9:15a - Clean Up

10:00a - Load bus

10:30a - Worship at GRBC

What will Our focus be?

“God’s eternal plan for us involves our body. We can’t write off our physical life as spiritually irrelevant.” 

—Sam Allberry

There’s a danger in focusing too much on the body. There’s also a danger in not valuing it enough. In fact, the Bible has lots to say about the body. With the coming of Jesus, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us”—flesh that was pierced and crushed for the sins of the world.

In our retreat you will hear explained that all of us are fearfully and wonderfully made, and should regard our physicality as a gift. He offers biblical guidance for living, including understanding gender, sexuality, and identity; dealing with aging, illness, and death; and considering the physical future hope that we have in Christ.

This weekend you’ll gain a new understanding for the immeasurable value of our bodies and God’s ultimate plan to redeem them.

How much will the Retreat Cost?

$40 - for High School (Both nights)

$30 - for Middle School (Friday Night only)

This price is all-inclusive! All activities, facilities, programming, food, music, and retreat booklet are included in the price. 

WHat Should i Bring?


- Sleeping bag or sheets & pillow

- Towels and washcloths
- Toiletries
- Bible, pen, and notebook

- Jacket/coat/sweatshirt


- Tobacco, alcohol
- Cell Phones
- Laptop, Music Players
- Sleeveless shirts
- Cheerleading/short running shorts
- Tight-fitting/revealing clothing, including leggings/yoga pants
- Magazines
- Weapons
- Pets